Archive for the ‘ Uncategorized ’ Category

Week 7 – Symbols of Revolution

The Red Hat Society was founded in 1998.

“The Red Hat Society began as a result of a few women deciding to greet middle age with verve, humor and elan. We believe silliness is the comedy relief of life, and since we are all in it together, we might as well join red-gloved hands and go for the gusto together. Underneath the frivolity, we share a bond of affection, forged by common life experiences and a genuine enthusiasm for wherever life takes us next.”

Week 6: Symbols of Evolution


The above is the Nazi Symbol, the symbol when flipped is a symbol used in Buddhism.



Above are both symbols of Peace. The flipped side of the hand signal is a rude gesture.



The Korean Flag has used an even more abstract version of the Yin Yang Symbol in the middle. The flag is composed of parts of the Yin Yang Symbol and the Ba Gua Symbol


Group Meetings & Cause Logo Designs

It took a while for us to come up with a symbol that we all agreed on.

However, below is our final decision.

“It’s time to start thinking twice before throwing your litter, not only because you’ll create a massive pollution but because the earth needs your support.
Simply by feeding the “trash monster”, you save our city. Let’s take part in this cause by joining this group. Why? For the good of goodness sake.”

Below were the symbols that we came up with but didn’t follow through.

Week 5: Symbols of Superstition

The Lotus Flower symbolises peace and purity in Buddhism.

The Yin Yang symbol symbolises the balance of life. This symbol does not only come up in many religions such as Taoism and Buddhism, but it is also widely used in Chinese Medicine.

The Four Leaf Clover symbolises good luck.

This is another symbol that represents Good Luck. It is the Horse Shoe symbol. It is believed that if it falls or is placed upside down, it will bring bad luck.

The above are symbols of Astrological Signs.

Group Meetings & Results Sum Up

We have had a total of 3-4 group meetings since the day we got the brief.

As of now we have our logos & causes decided.

Our final logo for the tribe has been decided to be:

In our last meeting on the 16/08/2010 we chose the following cause logo to be critiqued.

Colours it could come in are shown below:


Week 4 – Original Symbols Reused

Top Left: The original mail symbol has been now used for emails, sms icons and so on.

Top Right: The rubbish bin symbol has been now used on computers as a symbol for trashing data.

Bottom Left: The original tick, has been used as a logo for Nike

Bottom Right: The original symbol for addition has been used as an iconic symbol for medical & emergency health services

Week 4 – Road Signs

Road signs play a major role in keeping safety in our lives. The importance of how well a road sign conveys its message is crucial. A message must be delivered across to people disregarding their nationality or language spoken.

Week 3 – Humpty Dumpty

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall,

All the King’s Horses, and all the King’s men,

Couldn’t put Humpty together again.

Week 2 – Tribe Symbol Ideas

Deriving words from the mind map below, I was able to create the following symbols below for our tribe:

Week 2 – In-Class Exercise: Mindmap